Saturday, March 2, 2013

I can't believe it!
How's it going. Can you believe it's already March?! It's crazy. It seems like just two days ago it was February (which it was)!!! I have a present for you my little followers. Since it is a new month I am going to let you preview my book! Yay!!! Right? RIGHT?? So here is the first chapter

Chapter 1

Hi, my name is Christi; I have a secret crush on this boy Lucas. He is so h-o-t-t hot (I know that is not how to spell hot but who cares right?)! Lucas has a girlfriend her name is Vanessa. Everyone worships her like a little girl loves tea parties, dumb right? Lucas comes from a very wealthy family but that is not why I like him; that would be soo selfish. He is a little weird though; for four reasons: 1) His eyes change color every day. 2) He never talks at gym. 3) He has a band who is supposed to be popular but no one has ever heard it. And 4) He goes straight home every day; you’d think a hunk like him would be busy every day.

Now back to Vanessa; we used to be besties, but things changed. It all started last year when my birthday party was happening. She had just arrived and we were playing games, talking, and eating. Vanessa went to the bathroom and messed up all the cabinets, rugs, and toilet. She blamed it on me because she didn’t want to get in trouble. Every one believed her. First of all why would I ruin my own bathroom, and why would I ruin my party? Some people just don’t think things through.

Anyway; back to Lucas.
 So there it is. The first chapter to my book!! Isn't it exciting! I bet it is. I realize it is a Saturday but Saturday is when no one is busy because everyone is lazy. True Story. So next to my typing words is Safe and Sound By Taylor Swift as you can see this girl is not Tay tay and the reason for that issss... it's two other girls singing it. They are actually really good. So I think you should watch it. It's okay if you don't; I will know though, I monitor you through the night! Ha ha ha. Now that should not be a reason for you to un-follow me because if you do; I will know. Ha ha ha. Okay enough of that. Just watch it, it's really super Über good. Happy March everyone!! 

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